Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New years eve

The New years eve is approaching and like always I don't have a plan. Will it be a party or will it be a visit to some NGO or will it be a drive out of town, I am still not sure. However, this time I am sure that I will usher in the new year with something more constructive than last year. Last year I spent it at home watching TV! Like the last year, I have drawn up my list of resolutions which I hope I will follow. Looking back at the resolutions taken last year, I haven't followed just one. I had actually made two resolutions. I know, thats a bad average! 
So much so for the new year. A few days back I was talking (online) to a friend who stays abroad and had recently visited India. I noticed her profile picture on the networking site. The picture had her posing with 4 street kids and everybody doing a namaste. Somehow most of the time, I see that people visiting India put up pictures like these. This is the image that they carry back, them with street kids, them doing a namaste or them standing next to a famished lady and similar stuff. Wonder if they lack in finding something more enduring or its just the "in" thing!    

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