Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Third front or third-class front!

A motley bunch of fools - a woman so obsessed with money that she would sell the Taj Mahal if she could, a man who can sleep while standing and who slept through most of the parliament sessions, a bunch of jokers who think US is our enemy and China is our chaddi-buddy and a woman who has more shoes in her closet than she has attended parliament sessions. Thats the rough composition of the so called third-front floated last week with much pomp and show in Karnataka. Look at the tragedy of our times when the choice that we have for the people who claim that they can run a country is such! 
Yesterday I read that India has the highest amount of deposits in the swiss banks, larger than 4 other countries put together. No prizes for guessing whose money lies there unaccounted. 
I am all for the campaign Jaago Re. Let us make a choice this time and show these fools that we can think, that we can judge right and wrong and that we will not vote for these idiots, come what may. I shudder when I think of Mayawati as the Prime Minister of India!! God help us if this ever comes true. 

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